
Getting a Date at the Pub

Good news such as a promotion or finally accomplishing a goal is a time to celebrate. There is no place better to begin that celebration than a favorite pub. Everyone there will be happy to share in the good news. Spirits will be lifted, and the atmosphere will become convivial in a very short time. Smiles and celebrations are always a good time to find a date.

Smiling and happy people are always much more attractive than glum or detached people. A person who is celebrating at the pub will be awash in smiles. Because the joy of the occasion is one that will filter through the establishment, many people will put down their phones and join in the good cheer. This is a time when people are more open to meeting new people. If there is someone the celebrant has been thinking of asking out, this would be the best time as the person may see them as a good candidate for companionship.